Register Today for Upcoming Web Seminars for QATC Members

Attention QATC members! We are presenting several of the QATC Annual Conference sessions via web seminar over the next few months so you can catch up on some of the sessions you missed!
For more information or to register, please go to

Thursday, December 7
10:00-11:00 am CT

Data and Numbers – How Are You Using Them?  You are creating results and reports that provide numbers and data to those individuals interested in the results, right? What are you doing with those numbers? What are they doing with your reports? Are you in the trap of generating numbers and reports but nothing is happening other than your routine creation of them? Join this interactive discussion to talk about the who, how, and why behind numbers being generated in the quality team and how they can actually be actionable. – Speaker: Barb Bleiler, WPS Health Solutions

Click here to register:

Wednesday, January 24, 2018
1:00-2:00 pm CT

Selling Quality at an Organization Level: Building an Effective Business Case.  Everyone knows that quality is integral to the success of the organization, right? Sure they do, which begs the question, can it be proven? The bottom line is, advancements in your quality program are dependent on your ability to not only sell the value of such a program but to prove where quality efforts have paid off for the organization. Let’s build a case for quality together that you can take back and sell! – Speaker: Penny Tootle, Utilligent

Click here to register:

Thursday, February 1, 2018
10:00-11:00 am CT

Your Coaches Need Coaching, Too!  Coaches play a key role in the success of your employees. Has your company adopted a particular coaching model and have all your coaches been trained? What do you do beyond that training to ensure your coaches are using the model properly and encouraging the reps for good work while also lining up plans for opportunities to improve? The speakers in this session will share what they’re doing and provide insight that could work in your contact center. – Speakers: Debbie Short, Cokesbury, & Todd Gladden, PlanMen

Click here to register:

If you missed any of these sessions at the QATC Annual Conference, register today!