Keep “Advanced Learners” Engaged in Your Training Classes

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A common problem in training classes is that you have some “advanced learners” who are way ahead of the rest of the class. There always seems to be one or two people who learn quickly and are ready to move on while the rest of the class is still struggling through the material. You don’t want them to be bored, so it’s important to keep them engaged.

One way is to pair them with some of the folks that are taking a little longer to learn — this works especially well if they’re learning the computer system and a more advanced person can help others along by providing some one-on-one assistance. You can also ask them to help out by writing some review questions for the material just covered. You may also want to keep some additional review materials or readings they can do if finished earlier than everyone else.

It’s nice to recognize their achievement of learning the material quickly and reward them in some way, but be careful you don’t make the slower learners feel bad about their slower pace.