QATC Survey Results
This article details the results of the most recent QATC quarterly survey on critical quality assurance and training topics. Over 50 contact center professionals representing a wide variety of operations provided insight regarding the use of employee satisfaction surveys in the contact center.
Number of Agents
The largest number of participants is from call center operations with between 51 and 100 agents. However, the balance is widely dispersed across all ranges. This mix of respondents provides a broad spectrum of call center sizes. Financial, healthcare, utility, and “other” have the largest representation but there are participants from a wide variety of industries.
Regularly Survey Agents for Satisfaction
Respondents were asked if they regularly survey their agents for satisfaction. Just over three-quarters (76%) indicated that they do while the rest do not.
How Surveys Are Done
Respondents were asked how the surveys are conducted. Fifty-five percent indicated that the surveys are done as part of a corporate function with some call center questions included. Only 29% indicated that they do their own survey within the center. Some find it difficult to get to the desired level of detail without doing their own survey.
Frequency of Surveys
Respondents were asked how often surveys are performed. The answers are well-dispersed with once per year the most frequent choice. While nearly one-quarter chose “other,” it is not clear if that indicates surveys are done less often than once a year or more frequently than every six months.
How Surveys are Administered
Survey participants were asked how their surveys were administered and two-thirds indicated that the survey is on-line. Email surveys were selected next at 17% of the participants. There is a wealth of on-line survey tools available often making this the easiest method to use.
Survey Anonymity
Respondents were asked if the survey responses were anonymous and 94% indicated that they are. This is generally required to ensure more honesty in the responses where some agents might fear the consequences of their responses where they are attached to a name.
Survey Questions
Respondents were asked to indicate whether each of several specific questions was included in the survey. Over 93% include a question about the work environment but only about two-thirds ask about satisfaction with compensation, work schedule, or coaching. It is often these types of details that are not included in a broad general survey of all employees but may be the ones of most importance to the agents in the contact center. In general, after compensation, most contact center agents list work schedule as their most important concern.
Who Sees Survey Results
Respondents were asked who can see the survey results and they could select multiple answers. Approximately 80% indicated that the call center management team and/or the senior management team reviews the results. About 60% offer them to contact center supervisors and 37% present them to the agents. When supervisors and agents see the results of the survey, they are likely to expect some kind of action plan to address any issues raised by the responses. A few respondents indicated that they share the results with other department.
Action Plan
Respondents were asked if an action plan is created based on the results of the surveys. Eighty-nine percent indicated that they do create an action plan while 11% do not. The majority of those who do create a plan share that plan with the agents. It is important to the personnel who fill out the survey to know that their input will influence actions taken to resolve problems and reinforce positive perceptions. When no action is perceived because of the survey, agents may be reluctant to participate in the future, considering the effort a waste of time.
This survey provides insight into the use of employee satisfaction surveys in the contact center. While many indicate that surveys are done on a regular basis, they may be limited in eliciting the details that are unique to the contact center (such as work schedule, adherence policies, etc.). Even if there is a corporate survey of all employees, it may be beneficial to supplement it with one focused on the issues most important to these unique personnel/jobs.
Once the survey date is analyzed, it is important to develop an action plan that will address any issues raised in the survey. But don’t forget to focus on maintaining excellence where it is found as well. Sharing this plan with the agents makes management accountable and ensures agents that their input is valued even if there is little that can be done to address a specific concern.
We hope you will complete the next survey.